Travelling For Business? Arrive Like A Winner
This is it! The big meeting is arranged, the vital presentation honed to perfection, your ducks all in a row. There’s just one remaining hurdle – getting there.
Or should we say, a big row of hurdles – stretching from the front door of your office all the way to your destination. Will the taxi arrive on time? Will the train leave on time? Even if it does, what about delays on the way? If taking your own car, will you get lost?
While you may have every intention of taking these hurdles with the grace and prowess of a Jessica Ennis, the reality usually is that you arrive feeling a sweaty, stressed-out mess in no frame of mind to secure that contract or pin down that deal.
Prepared for business
Now, the alternative: a chauffeur driven car arrives in plenty of time, sweeps you off in comfort, gives you the peace and quiet to gather your thoughts, run through the notes one last time, check your teeth and generally chill out away from the stress of the office. Result: you arrive in a Zen-like calm, channelling the golden Miss Ennis – poised and ready to take on the world.
That, in a nutshell, is what a chauffeur service can do for you. It may sound like a paradox but quite simply, it takes travel out of the equation. Imagine never again worrying about late trains, missed connections, uncooperative sat navs and all the hundred and one trials that bedevil the poor business traveler. You could risk that deal you’ve worked so hard for, simply by committing the cardinal business sin – being late.
Arrive in style
With all the tangible benefits, go the intangibles: swanning up to your meeting in London in a chauffeur drive car just plain looks good. It looks like your business is in good health. It says you take your clients seriously. It says you’re a belt and braces kind of operation that doesn’t take any chances and gives your best every time. Not to mention that it puts the opposition in the shade. Let them be the ones arriving late, puffed-out, wild-eyed and gabbling about delayed trains – giving the distinct impression they haven’t paid the client the compliment of investing in proper transport that gets them there on time and ready to do some serious business.
Value for money
If you are the one holding the purse-strings, what better way to show your employees that you care? If your team regularly travels for business, packing them off in their own car or on the train says ‘you’re on your own’; giving them the small luxury of a private car and a kindly chauffeur says ‘we’re with you all the way’. Not only that, with time being a precious commodity these days, a chauffeur driven car means your employee can continue working from the minute they leave the office until they reach the departure door of the airport. They no longer will need to wait until they drive to the airport, park their car and queue at check-in until they have time look at their emails. The regular commute to the airport need never be an inconvenience to their working day or your company’s productivity again!
If you are a female who regularly travels alone then you will know how vulnerable you can be waiting at the airport for the car park bus, then walking in the dark to your parked car. You cannot put a price on knowing that your driver will be waiting to drive you home, safe and well.
So don’t risk all those late nights and hard work on a last minute, heart-pounding dash under your own steam or by public transport. Put it in the hands of the experts and you’ll never even have to think about business travel again.
About the Author: Written by Karen James, businesswoman and prolifice writer for Milton Executive Cars and other business sectors.
Photo credit: marcp_dmoz via photopin cc