5 Travel Sub-Reddits To Share Your Travel Stories
I have a confession to make: I am addicted to Reddit. I tell myself I am only going on for a few minutes, just while I have my morning coffee. Before I know it, hours have passed and I am shocked by the sheer amount of AskReddit responses and weird pics I have viewed. Oh, Reddit, I wish I could quit you. On second thought, no, I don’t.
Some of my favorite subreddits are those that have some connection to travel. As an avid traveler myself, I am always ready to read other people’s experiences and share my own. Some of my best holidays recently have come from recommendations by others who have already gone there and popped onto Reddit to tell the world about it.
Here are five travel subreddits that ever victim of wanderlust should be subscribed to.
1. /r/Travel
This is an obvious one. Whether you are looking for some advice on going to a new city, finding out the average cost of items in another country or just telling a good (or bad) story about your latest trip, this is the place for it. With more than 85,000 subscribers and new topics being posted continuously, you will never get bored.
2. /r/Backpacking
Here is the spot for those who have set out to be globetrotters, and done so living from nothing but a single backpack and a lust for new sights. There are some genuinely brilliant tips for backpackers here, whether you are new or a veteran. Experienced backpackers are always a welcome sight, as well, providing expertise from their own trips abroad.
3. /r/CampingandHiking
Not all of us like staying in hotels or hostels. Sometimes it is a treat to get out into the wilderness and enjoy a hike or a couple nights camping out. This subreddit is full of people with the same passion, as well as those who take it to the next level and spend months at a time living out of a tent in the woods. There are also some gorgeous pics taken by campers and hikers from around the world.
4. /r/EarthPorn
This one isn’t actually about travel, really. After all, you could just as easily take a photo of the view from your backyard. But many of the pics here come from people’s travels, and there are some truly breathtaking shots. Don’t worry about the name, it is totally SFW.
5. /r/IWantOut
Maybe you are thinking of making you travels a little more permanent, say…forever. This is a subreddit for expats to share their experiences moving to another country. As well as a place for those who are wishing to do the same to ask questions, get advice and just share in the general joys and frustrations that such a drastic change can bring.
Do you know of any good travel subreddits, or some that are somewhat related? Let us know in the comments!
About the Author: Jessy is the self-proclaimed Reddit and travel addict blogging for Dobovo, the free travel app for searching apartments in Kiev, Odessa and many other Eastern European cities.
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