Which Kind of Digital Nomad are You?
I just read an interesting article published by Mike Elgan on ComputerWorld. He talked about the misconception surrounding the term “digital nomad”. Not particularly interested in the definition itself, I am actually interested in the types of digital nomad unveiled in the article.
The big question: Am I a digital nomad?
Many people consider “digital nomad” as someone who are traveling around the world, embracing digital technology to make it possible. However, with the exponential growth of mobile technology, there are more and more people who incorporate such technology in order to work off-premise and/or on the go. They are, indeed, digital nomads.
The same article also talks about the fact that although many digital nomads are bloggers or freelancers who make money online to finance their adventure, more digital nomads are simply those working from home, coffee shop or anywhere else – locally – due to their choices and circumstances, such as wanting for their kids to attend conventional local school or some other reasons.
So, the big question is, are you a digital nomad? The Wikipedia definition for digital nomad also focus on the nomadic lifestyle – thus it is disputed (learn more from the talk section of the digital nomad wiki.)
So, in general, there are 2 types of digital nomad, according to Mr. Elgan: Traveling digital nomad and “More-grounded” digital nomad.
Traveling digital nomad
These type of digital nomads are typically bloggers, freelancers or any other kind of jobs that allow them to “buy” the opportunities to travel the world. These digital bohemians are not typically having a “home base” and many have sold their possessions to travel and live around the world.
More-grounded digital nomad
These kind of digital nomads are those who use digital technology to give them more freedom to work from anywhere they want – including while vacationing. They can take mini-retirement, visiting a place and stay for 3 or 4 months and move on to new locations or just go back to their home country. Most conventional business owners – especially those who have kids – are willing to enjoy the freedom without the need to travel the world 24/7.
Where I am
If you asked me, I am a non-traveling digital nomad š Vagabonding seems fascinating, but I enjoy the sense of having a home base. I also want my kids to go to the local schools, making friends – locally.
According to Wikipedia, I am classified as a mobo and someone who is location independent. Nomadic? Um, not yet – or not to that level, at least.
Whichever category you are in, the idea of telecommuting and remote working can offer you top-notch work-life balance. ‘care to try?
Image by Robert Agthe / Flickr